13 individual boards independently fastened to the next to make up total flag.
Boards burned Ro accent natural wood grain.
Stars are laser cut from 1/8” birch plywood and then painted winter grey before glueing in place.
Blue Line painted as well as thin black border.
Available in White, Yellow, Green, Red or Blue Line.
High gloss finish.
Approx 10-12lbs.
This flag as special meaning, not only for my 20 years in Law Enforcement and losing too many to count to senseless violence, but it is also the “evolved” version of the first flag I made for someone while going through 3 surgeries in 5 months which cut my career behind the badge short. Thank you to all those who unfortunately made the ultimate sacrifice and to an incredible friend who seemed to see the tough time I was dealing with and set me on a new path with a seemingly simple distraction.